Victories Are Not Accidental.
It is my belief that everyone desires success in every area of their lives and most, sincerely wish they knew exactly how to make this a reality. The question really is: are they willing to put in the work required?
There is a common saying here (in my corner) “Quality before Time.” William A. Foster said, “Quality is never an accident; it is always the result of high intention, sincere effort, intelligent direction and skillful execution; it represents the wise choice of many alternatives.”
Most of us know what we want at the end of the different seasons in our lives but the aspect we struggle with is having a clear vision of how we are to achieve these results. It begins with planning and breaking our plans into manageable tasks. Approaching our tasks when they have been broken into smaller bits helps us move forward quickly as compared to when we just had the idea of what we wanted our end result to be without an execution plan.
According to Henry Ford, “Most people spend more time and energy going around problems than trying to solve them.” Stop trying to figure out how to land smack at your desired destination rather work at getting there.
Take the first step by starting! It is just like a large orchard that has to go through the process of pruning from time to time. As you carry out the specific manageable tasks, you will find that you are developing by the process of working towards your desired end. Old habits fly out of the window and the new ones required for the journey ahead take root in your daily routine. Be accountable to the future you see! Work consciously at improving yourself as you go through the process.
There is also the place of making informed decisions as you progress through your journey. When properly analysed, the mistakes that occurred in the course of our journey were made as a result of ignorance; embrace knowledge. There is more available than you are aware of and the “more” only comes your way when you sincerely desire to KNOW. It is through knowledge that you can grow and surge forward towards your desired end; implementing the knowledge you have acquired also aids the speed of your journey.
Victories can be had over and over if only you become intentional about having them always.

Uhunoma takes joy in encouraging and supporting everyone she is connected to. She believes that one can really become the person they want to be, build that person and grow in their chosen path.
She really enjoys journaling, writing and designing. When asked, she would tell you Ï’m the KING’s Daughter, the Prince’s Wife, Mother to Amazing Children, an Author, Business Enthusiast and a Love being!”.