Choose the Right Lane.
“We all want progress, but if you’re on the wrong road, progress means doing an about-turn and walking back to the right road, in that case, the man who turns back soonest is the most progressive.” – C.S.Lewis.
For many of us, we will agree that change is not something we really want to accommodate especially if we had been used to doing things in a certain way. This was the case for Sophie Graham.
She was twenty-seven when she got married and she had been used to making her own decisions independent of what anyone thought as long as she was convinced her process would lead her to her desired results. Having a partner changed her process: her husband thought she could do better reviewing her processes. She found the suggestion really frustrating as she was not interested in reorganising the way she was used to doing her stuff.
It took several months for her to be open to even considering his suggestions and as she gradually began to embrace them, she had to acknowledge the truth that she was indeed better and faster. The issue she had was renewing her mindset.
We need to learn to frequently ascertain where our minds are – what are our desires? What values do we hold dear? How do we plan to achieve our desired results? When asked by someone else, how would they describe us? It is important to work with these answers we have discovered from the questions we have asked ourselves, using them as a guide for our journey to our self-discovery.
Help yourself by helping you understand YOU! Study the real You and know what that person really wants. Commit to making these desires come true by engaging your minds with resources that would point you in the right direction.
Choose to redirect yourself to the right lane.

Uhunoma takes joy in encouraging and supporting everyone she is connected to. She believes that one can really become the person they want to be, build that person and grow in their chosen path.
She really enjoys journaling, writing and designing. When asked, she would tell you Ï’m the KING’s Daughter, the Prince’s Wife, Mother to Amazing Children, an Author, Business Enthusiast and a Love being!”.