Know that You CAN Succeed.
Success, Success, Success! That’s everyone’s true desire. In everyone is the yearning to be more and present within is the inclination that they can be more. . “In other to succeed, we must first believe that we can” – Nikos Kazantzakis. Do you believe you can succeed? Has it ever occurred to you that you […]

Tackle the Obstacle
So what type of person are you? Type A: The person who sees a blockage on a journey and decides there’s no point to move ahead, it would be better to return to the starting point where there was no hindrance. Type B: The person who sees a blockage on a journey and immediately assumes […]

Living in Purpose
“The two most important days in life are the day you were born and the day you find out why” – Mark Twain. So now you have discovered the “why” of your existence; the next logical question would be, “Then what?” It might seem very overwhelming discovering what your purpose is and then immediately trying […]

Develop Your Dream
“Start where You are. Use what You have. Do what You can.” Arthur Ashe. The most beautiful thing about a dream is seeing how perfect everything is, until you wake up and realise to experience this dream’s perfect finish, some work has to be done in reality. The question most of us are confronted with […]

Build The Person You Have Become.
Why is it that most of us think that the solution to moving our lives forward needs to come from an external help? When truly there is no help without YOU! Help starts with an understanding of knowing what you truly desire. When last did you truly search deep within and do things just because […]

Nourishing Your Relationships
Relationships are a part of our lives whether we are aware of it or not. We are constantly relating with our friends, spouses, parents, children, colleagues or even the people we just met few seconds ago. Do our actions show that we are genuinely interested in relating? It is important to be conscious that relationships […]