Only Believe
Roy T. Bennett said, “If you don’t give up on something you truly believe in, you will find a way.” Have you ever found yourself in a position where your heart really desires something so much that it becomes your living dream to have it and then when the process begins to acquire it, you suddenly run into obstacles that make you begin your dream is unattainable? If yes, be comforted that you are not alone. It takes a lot more than wishing to make our dreams become a reality: it would require belief. Belief so strong that regardless of the circumstance we find ourselves in, we would be able to overcome them and forge towards our dreams.
You might have tried over and over again to make your dream come true but do not stop trying. Keep at it until you get there. Joe Paterno said, “Believe deep down in your heart that you’re destined to do great things.” You were put on this earth to achieve something great: believe this with the whole of heart. It is at the point you realise that your heart truly believes that you are destined to do great things that the change truly begins to occur for the better. No obstacle would be able to scare you into giving up your dream.
To the one that believes in a dream, his or her actions may appear to the next person as that of a mad man or woman; for he or she alone sees what is believed and would carry out any and every action to depend what is believed. Keep forging forward despite the ridicule and whispers. Do not draw for anyone especially for anyone without your vision and belief. Go for what you believe in and soon, those that thought you as mad would see the manifestation of your belief.
Uhunoma takes joy in encouraging and supporting everyone she is connected to. She believes that one can really become the person they want to be, build that person and grow in their chosen path.
She really enjoys journaling, writing and designing. When asked, she would tell you Ï’m the KING’s Daughter, the Prince’s Wife, Mother to Amazing Children, an Author, Business Enthusiast and a Love being!”.