What is Your Business?
Lizzy started out in business doing everything! As far as she was concerned, everything that pertained to her line of business was her BUSINESS! There was noting like focus or specialisation in the vocabulary of her business plan. If it looked like what she thought was in her business line, Bring it on! She will deliver.
Whenever potential clients asked what she did, she launched out telling them all she did and almost every time, they never understood what she did as a business. To heighten matters, she really thought it was the clients that did not comprehend what she explained to them not knowing she was not communicating at all. This went on for months.
Lizzy got jobs in the course of these months but soon realised later when she analysed her situation that the jobs that were gotten were from only those that had reached out to her for specific services and products. It was at the end of this analysis that she knew she had not been operating the business as she ought to but rather had been channelling all her energy in the wrong directions. It was like shooting blank bullets.
At this point of your journey in business your story might sound similar if told. You may have been wondering why all your efforts are yielding so little as compared to what you were putting in. Could it be as a result of not knowing your area of specialisation? You might be thinking right now that the reason you are in business is sell it all and make it all which is very possible if you put your mind to it but I must stop you here to let your know that there is a system to it.
The system involves FOCUS!
The System:
- Outline what you currently offer and categorise them.
- Take note of these categories – outline the similarities and the differences.
- Which of these categories do you find yourself drawn towards?
- Rate these categories from the strongest to the least strong.
- Zoom in on the strongest three categories.
- Visualise your target clients and indeed see that these categories are worthy of sale.
- Experiment: test out your new categories.
Stay on these new categories till you master them before you move on to the other categories that you have identified that is if they are still worthy of your time investment.
Uhunoma takes joy in encouraging and supporting everyone she is connected to. She believes that one can really become the person they want to be, build that person and grow in their chosen path.
She really enjoys journaling, writing and designing. When asked, she would tell you Ï’m the KING’s Daughter, the Prince’s Wife, Mother to Amazing Children, an Author, Business Enthusiast and a Love being!”.